Tailored travel programs

In case you don't find in our travel pack offer an itinerary that suits your needs, you can use this section to build up the travel plan you want. In the map bellow you'll find all of the services we offer, so you can get at a glance their regional location throughout the country and it can help you build your itinerary based on the area of Venezuela you want to cover, choosing highlights seen on the region it is located at. You'll find the descriptions of all our services in every destination. At the bottom of the page you have a very easy web form. Fill it up with the requested information, let us know about your transport and service preferences and we'll get back to you with a proposed itinerary, so we can, together design a lifetime experience in Venezuela.

Set amidst the Sierra de Pacaraima in the border area between Venezuela - Guyana and Brazil , is the mysterious sister mountain of Roraima: The Kukenán "tepuy" (flat top mountains from La Gran Sana ain Venezuela) , one of the largest in the Canaima National Park and La Gran Sabana. Full of mysteries, intrinsic to its rock formations and cracks at the top product of millenial erosion, makes it complicated for guidance and orientation, that's why many of the Pemon local people had a fear and respect for this climb. With 2650 meters of altitud the Kukenán or Matawi as it is also known, has 20.63 km2 of surface. Its name is due to a great waterfall that runs along it's wester wall and can be seen from the camps at Rio Tök, and incredible sight, 610 meters of runing water, the second highest in Venezuela.

On the northwest wall of Kukenán is the "big crack" which is 250 meters deep, and that will be our goal in the expedition. This top has been little explored, which makes it a unique and exclusive adventure; not to mention the spectacular sights you'll have from the camp of the amazing Pacaraima range of "tepuys".



5.210106, -60.831100

At 2,700 m of altitude this small town is still home to Andean traditions and beautiful landscapes. Surrounded by some of the highest peaks of the Sierra Nevada mountain range of Venezuela, Los Nevados offers one of the best and complete visits within the Venezuelan Andes without presenting great difficulties neither physical nor logistical. Its inhabitants known as "Nevaderos" are friendly and hospitable people, always smiling to the visitor. Come with us to enjoy the beautiful Andes mountains, to travel on foot and by mule, these beautiful spots in the tropical zone of the Andes.

Come with us to enjoy a great trek accessible to all and no less an exciting mountain experience!


8.474696, -71.080000

The Paraguana Peninsula, located in the north of Falcón State, is one of the most remote regions of the country and the northernmost, just 27 km from the island of Aruba, and a little farther east are the islands of Bonaire and Curacao. It is connected to the mainland by an isthmus of dunes which was declared a national park in 1974, with the name of"Medanos de Coro" and spreads over an area of ​​approximately 92,000 hectares. The peninsula occupies an area of ​​approximately 2500 km2 and its Cape “San Roman”, the northernmost point of Venezuela, was discovered by Spanish explorer Alonso de Ojeda in the year of 1499.

The name Paraguaná in the caquetío language (indigenous ethnic group inhabiting the area) means "garden between the sea." It is an excellent opportunity to enter a desert-like ecosystem, and appreciate a wide variety of vegetation typical of these environments. Visit Montecano Biological Reserve, uncrowded place where we will observe endemic wildlife while hiking on a very well preserved nature trail.

Besides nature, Paraguaná peninsula is rich in its historical and cultural heritage, in its villages you will find important examples of religious colonial architecture dating back to the early colonization era.

In Araguato we offer you a one-day visit to see the most emblematic places of this beautiful and unusual region of the country. Below is a list of places of interest:


South of the coastal savannah of Falcon state in northwestern Venezuela stands a mountain range known as the Sierra de San Luis or  Sierra de Falcon. It has an average altitude of 1000 meters and its highest point is in the Cerro Galicia at 1600 masl. For the visitor is a tropical cloud forest ecosystem with evergreen vegetation of an imposing exuberance. Its main attraction is the archaeological site of the "The Spanish Trail" a stretch of the old road paved in colonial times that connected the city of Coro with mountain villages. A perfect combination of history and culture of Venezuela with hiking and outdoors, you shall not miss.

The Sierra is the Falcon state watershed and its many rivers, lakes and reservoirs provide water for the main towns of the region. In the Sierra you’ll also find: "Simas" or "Haitones" vertical caves due to water erosion, this water fills one of the largest underground lakes in South America. In addition you'll see: organic coffee plantations, oranges, cocoa, tropical fruits and the best views of the Paraguana Peninsula and the city of Coro with its big dunes. At the end take a bath at the natural pools of the Pozos de la Negrita.

Definitely an essential destination if you are visiting Coro. In Araguato we offer you a one-day tour to visit the most emblematic places of this beautiful and unusual region of the country.

11.133651, -69.685880

Laying on the eastern half of the territory occupied  by the Canaima National Park, with an area of ​​10,800 km2, is a region where we find the oldest geological formations on earth: 2.000 million years of tectonic activity and erosion have resulted in a landscape  full of special formations, valleys, rivers, plateaus known as "tepuis", waterfalls and natural baths that host to countless species of flora and fauna. Since the opening of the national road #10, which connects the major cities of Bolivar State with the Brazilian border, the visit to this beautiful region of the country has popularized. It has been the setting and inspiration for movies and documentaries about the prehistory, including Jurassic Park and the popular novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World". Come along and enjoy yourself in a landscape that can only be described as magical!

Our hosts are the indigenous Pemón known for their hospitality and their workship, through the learning of their traditions and cosmology, we’ll expand our vision and sensitivity to this unique landscape in the world.

Here we describe our basic itinerary of 3 days and 2 nights, during which we will cover the main attractions. We can organize more extensive tours as required by our travelers.



5.345900, -61.191300

In the eastern part of Canaima National Park in southeastern Venezuela, better known as La Gran Sabana, we find the legendary Mount Roraima, a meeting place for adventurers and naturalists for over a century and considered one of the best "TREKS" in the South American continent. Since the publication of the novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World" in 1912, describing a South American plateau inhabited by prehistoric animals, inspired by the tepui, there have been many who have dared to climb and enjoy a endemic nature that invites exploration.

It is the highest of the Venezuelan "tepuis" with an altitude of 2810 meters and is located in the mountains of Pakaraima on the border between Guyana, Brazil and Venezuela. Its surface is 31 km2 and in it, we find endemic species of flora and fauna such as the frog Oreophrynella quelchii, and the bush Bonnetia roraimœ. Its name "RORAIMA" consists of the words of the Pemon language "RORO" meaning blue-green and "IMA" meaning large, this would translate "Great Blue Green" Although most indigenous from the Pemón tribe refers to it as "The mother of all waters", probably due to the impresive and numerous waterfalls that run down its walls after heavy rain. A memorable climb to the spectacular landscape of the Gran Sabana, come with us to climb Mount Roraima, and discover for yourself why today is still considered "A Lost World"




5.143330, -60.762500

Los Medanos and Sandboarding

Declared a national park in 1974 to protect the dunes isthmus connecting the Paraguaná Peninsula with the mainland, Los Medanos de Coro is an important reference of Venezuela attractions and are visited by thousands of people around the world. Its large dunes, scattered in about 6 km2 and with an average height of 50-100 meters offer an excellent "sand-park" to practice sandboarding: A growing extreme sport born in Brazil, which consits in surfing down sand dunes using a board specially made for this purpose.


The sandboarding was created by surfers on the island of Santa Catarina - Brazil as an alternative to surfing the days when the sea had little waves. Today has a lot of practitioners around the world, especially in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico and Namibia, to name a few, with a lot of annual events such as regional championships, national and even global, where enthusiasts "sandboarders" of many countries show their skills in both speed and driving and performing jumps and stunts.

In Venezuela and Coro

In Venezuela sandboarding is relatively recent, and in Araguato we consider ourselves pioneers in the introduction of the sport in Los Medanos de Coro. When and how? After being in contact with snowboard and practice it for several seasons in Europe, we asked ourselves if it could be possible to surf down a dune with a snowboard and drive it as such. and ... we tried!. The response was positive and then it was just enough to consult the Internet to discover how widespread and popular the sport was in other countries where there were dunes. We got some snowboards and we started practicing and taking travelers to the dunes to whom we presented the sport. The reactions from the outset were positive and demand grew. The activity was consolidated as one of the "to do things" when visiting Coro and the dunes after Brian Kluepfel, incharge of updating the famous travel guide "Lonely Planet" went with us to do a tour of sandboarding. Satisfied with the experience and the sport itself, decided to write an article in the guide and it was thus first time the activity was outlined in an international publication. Increased demand led to the rest of the posadas and travel agencies based in Coro to get involved and practice the activity and even raided successfully in making sand boards which has resulted in the consolidation of the city and their dunes as a destination for fun practice of this extreme sport.

In the year 2012 we had the visit of two important "Sandboard" people: Digiacomo Días from the very island of Santa Catarina - Brazil, three times world champion of "Big Air" sandboarding, and the first sandboarder to do a "double front flip" and Fabian Orsi  owner at "Sandwave" an Argentine brand, manufacturers of boards of excellent quality. Both really enjoyed our dunes and agreed that its level is optimal for the sport.

11.442295, -69.655745

At the foot of the Andes there is a paradise to be discovered in western Los Llanos of Venezuela. This is an area with many cristal waters rivers that originate in the glaciers of the Sierra Nevada de Merida, all of great purity and cleanliness and perfect flow for practice whitewater sports. It is a paradise for those who love boating and is a place that captivates any visitor with its beautiful landscape . The small town of La Acequia is the place where the activity has been developed and has become a worldwide reference, is where are located the most popular camps for practicing rafting and whitewater kayaking. Many of its young people have years of experience as rafting pilots and many of them are part of the national rafting and kayak teams of Venezuela. This are our tours guides, who are always professionally involved in ensuring the safety of all our participants.

The rivers to be navigated are the Acequia and Siniguis . Level 3 and Level 4 respectively, with excelent rapids, great surroundings, caracterized by inviting natural pools, a lush green nature and a variety of birds.

The featured camp on this tour has an excellent location on the banks of river Siniguis. It's also a perfect place to unwind from the day, offering opportunities for rest and relaxation. Read in a comfortable hammock overlooking the Sierra Nevada, resting on the banks of the river, having a refreshing beer in a " hut " in the middle of a small forest, are just some of the treats you can give yourselve here. Also in the vicinity of the camp there are many opportunities for trekking routes and cycling mountain if you are more of the active type.

So, do not hesitate to join the practice of this exciting extreme sport, an excellent and unique opportunity for contact with nature. Here you can prolong a tour of Los Llanos or you can come to spend a couple of days combining adventure and tranquility in the prairies, rivers and valleys of Barinas .

8.416486, -70.718102

The Canaima National Park in southeast Venezuela, covers one of the oldest geological regions in the world. The unique flattop mountains known as Tepuys are as old as the separation of the continents itself. It have been cataloged as a resemblance of a lost world, giving us an impression on how the land looked millions of years ago. It has been declared a UNESCO heritage site and with it's 30.000 km2 is the sixth largest national park in the world and yet home, to another world class record: THE ANGEL FALLS, the highest waterfall, known by the Pemón indigenous people as »Kerepapukay Vena« offers to the visitor an impressive sight: 1000 meters of  clear water falling on an spectacular sandstone wall in the middle of a jungle lush vegetation!

Araguato Expeditions offers you three different ways to visit this unique region, land of Tepuys and the Pemon indigenous people. They will depend mainly on the available time on your itinerary. All tours described start and end in Ciudad Bolivar and we can provide you with all the necessary means of transportation to get you there from anywhere in Venezuela.



6.245926, -62.850294

The Orinoco Delta is a vast region located in the extreme east of Venezuela, here the Orinoco river divides into multiple streams and channels seeking their way out to the Atlantic through a thick swamp forest. The river banks are covered by lush vegetation of mangrove and rainforest that are home to the Warao indigenous group characterized by its ability to adapt to this unique aquatic environment, to the point that the name of the tribe " Warao " means" canoe man " or “people on canoes”

Visiting the Delta del Orinoco brings us closer to the majesty of the main river of Venezuela, to get into this unique ecosystem formed by intrinsic streams and creeks, backwoods, where wildlife live in perfect harmony with the natives of the area, from whom we will learn about their customs and traditions. "Jakera" is the greeting of the indigenous Warao and with it we welcome you and invite you to join one of our visits to this important lung cradle of ancient traditions vegetable

We offer you two travel itineraries to the Delta. They differ mainly in duration adapting to the time you have available for the visit. All itineraries described begin and end in San José de Buja (Maturin) and we can provide all the necessary means of transport to complete your itinerary from anywhere in the country.



9.552399, -62.690731

176 Km north of Caracas, we found this paradise of crystal clear waters and abundant marine life. A place to rest and enjoy nature in a peaceful way, faraway in beautiful wide beaches. The National Park Archipelago Los Roques occupies an area of ​​approximately 40 km2 and its 50 islands are sure to find a perfect place to enjoy the sea and sun of the best Venezuelan Caribbean.

Most hosting services are located in Gran Roque, the largest of the islands and that serves as the capital of these islands. Here also is the airport and Inparques office (National Institute of National Parks)

Los Roques is the largest marine park in the Caribbean and home to a rich variety of marine life, and is perhaps the only archipelago of islands in the world that doesn’t have a volcanic origin. It has two well defined coral reefs in north and south, providing excellent opportunities to practice diving and snorkeling. It also has a station for water sports like kayaking and ends, the Kite Surf to name a few.

In Araguato offer all the services needed for an unforgettable stay. We work with a variety of guesthouses that allow us to satisfy all levels of requirements of our customers.

Here we present our basic program for 2 days / 1 night full board. All departures are from the National Terminal  of Maiquetia Simon Bolivar airport in Caracas and from Higuerote domestic airport

11.867780, -66.750000

In the south of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela has a unique natural phenomenon in the world: The Catatumbo Lightning. This phenomenon of great importance for conservation, since it contributes to the regeneration of the ozone layer, consists of a series of silent and large lightnings, some reaching 10km in height, which have their origin in the basin of the Catatumbo river. It originates once the cold winds from the mountainous system of Perijá and the western slope of the Venezuelan Andes meet the organic matter-rich steam from the Maracaibo Lake. The phenomenon can be seen up to 260 times a year, and the electric storms may persist up to 10 hours per night. As is known in electrical storms lightnings produce ozone. The Catatumbo has the highest density of electric activity in the world with 181 discharges per km2 per year. Is the proud holder of the Guinnes World Record as the "Place on earth with the highest concetration of lightning.

Apart from the important and impressive Catatumbo lightning,  you can delve into this particular area of ​​Venezuela, and enjoy a diversity of ecosystems seen only at this geographical location, being able to visit the south of Merida and the tropical savannas of the Maracaibo Lake basin. You'll also see La Azulita and its tropical cloud forest rich in biodiversity, sail on river mouths and observe a variety of birds and wildlife in the National Park Cienagas de Juan Manuel, sleep over the lake waters in a "Palafito"  a typical stilt house with ancient origins, the very same ones that resembled Venice at the arrival of the spanish conquistadores, and inspired them to give Venezuela it’s name.

9.364626, -71.700000

The Plains, or Los Llanos as locally known, represent 45% of the total surface of ​​Venezuela, its vast plains and savannahs are crossed by rivers that flooded in the rainy season, create marshy and swamp habitats that host a myriad of wildlife species. Considered one of the largest reservoirs of biodiversity in the Americas, is comparable only to the Everglades of Florida and the Brazilian Pantanal. A unique landscape where you can see more than 300 species of birds, huge reptiles like the green anaconda and the spectacled caiman, amazing mammals like the Capybara (locally known as Chigüire) and the anteater, just to name a few species. Our trips to Los Llanos take place in Apure State, the largest of the region, with an area of ​​76,500 km2, and a very low population density, which results in a greatest concentration of wildlife.

For years we have specialized in this location, which not only offers visitors a unique landscape always facing the horizon and in contact with multiple species of wildlife, but also brings us closer to one of the cradles of Venezuelan traditions, the culture of The Llaneros, an important character in the historical and cultural development of Venezuela.



7.553167, -69.630000

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